Why Are We Here?

Time to drop another tidbit of wisdom in the cyber desert. Maybe God will have a raven pick it up and carry it where it’s needed, as He fed Elijah for a year during the famine in Israel. That’s up to him. I’m dropping it as I believe He wants me to do. I learned a long time ago that His purposes are intricately interwoven in ways our human minds can’t follow; there are at least half a dozen reasons for everything He does and His choices for the way He does it. His ways are perfect, as scripture says “beyond knowing,” but trying to our patience. I mean, INCREDIBLY trying for mortal beings, so trying we’re tempted to throw up our hands in frustration and give up on Him.

Jesus once asked the disciples, “Will you leave, too?” He had just told multitudes that “unless you drink my blood and eat my flesh, you have no part in Me.” Cannibalism was an abomination, according to the Law of Moses. The crowd left on hearing what sounded like heresy. The disciples didn’t deliver a resounding vote of confidence, either. Their reply was miserable, effectively, ‘We have nowhere else to go.” It implies they wished they did. “Lord, You have the words of life,” Peter responded. He was tactful enough not to add, “but then you have zingers like this that sure make it hard to follow You.” Peter wasn’t all thumbs.

I have 3 reasons the Lord doesn’t take us immediately at salvation. There are more, but He can point them out at His leisure. I’m not Him, just a worn-out servant who has learned a few things over my my lifetime. The first is quickly dispensed over every pulpit, the great commission. We are to bear witness to the gospel of salvation wherever we go. That’s legit. Some emphasize verbal witnessing, others living out their faith before others as an example of God’s grace. Both have value. Neglecting one or the other diminishes the effectiveness of our witness. Corporate witness is okay, but since responses will be individual, individual authenticity is vital to inspire individual long-term commitments. More disciples come out of personal relationships than will ever come from broadcasts by people, no matter how persuasive, the hearer is never likely to meet. People usually don’t follow a stranger very far.

The 2nd reason is anything but appealing. Matthew 25:31-46 describes how Jesus will judge the nations, separating them as sheep from goats for deeds done in the flesh. The sheep are His brethren. The goats are those who abused them; they end up in the lake of fire! EVERYONE is surprised that the Lord took notice of their deeds, whether kindnesses or abuses, but He will be exhaustively thorough. “When you did it unto the least of these my brethren, you did it unto Me.” It’s another way of saying His judgment will be rendered for every last one of us; no one is so minor as to be overlooked. If the world believed Him, they’d be shaking in their boots! When this day comes, they will be.

One question is prominently absent among those judged, particularly the condemned – “Lord, when did we do this to Your brethren?” About to be cast out, surely they’d wonder… unless they don’t have to ask. Jesus will be specific. He won’t leave it at “the least of these my brethren,” HE WILL NAME NAMES. There’ll be no question what He’s talking about when the conversation’s over. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, remember?

This means we are here, to some extent, to be victimized. Police can’t charge those who haven’t committed a crime. Likewise, Jesus puts His beloved in harm’s way. See what I mean about this purpose not holding any appeal? Like His suffering leading up to the cross, we’re likewise not to retaliate. Hardest thing in the world to swallow when He said, “Turn the other cheek.” It does serve His purpose, though. He’s gathering evidence for the upcoming judgment. We’re not wimps, we’re serving our Master. Our faithfulness proves we truly are His brethren! He makes all things manifest, including the compassion or wickedness in the hearts of those around us. We are the agents He uses to bring it all into the open.

The 3rd reason we’re still here is connected to the 2nd. If He allows us to be hurt in preparing His judgment, then He will lavish His love and blessing on us as recompense. Were you robbed? Then He’ll provide at least as much some other way. Were you wounded? He’ll bless you in equal or greater measure. Were you betrayed? Jesus knows that feeling all too well. He’ll draw near to comfort you personally. He already has a heart for the suffering. Those who suffer to serve His purposes will come to understand how determined He is to comfort them. You can’t outgive God, even in service! He does it because He loves us and takes responsibility for His own, giving us a testimony to His kindness. Rejoice and try not to take the wounds of the day to heart. Our Lord will have the last word in the matter!

The Sign of Solomon’s Judgment

I Kings 3:16-28 recounts the story of two prostitutes contending over a baby in King Solomon’s court. Though the King could have refused to hear them, due to their illegal livelihood, he did not for the child’s sake. With no witnesses, each claim seemed to have equal merit and neither woman would recant. In a moment of God-given brilliance, the King ordered the infant be divided and half presented to each woman. One woman declared that was fair. Horrified, the other ceded her claim so the child might live. The King rescinded his order, declaring the latter was the real mother, and gave the baby to her.

In 2020, two men laid claim to America’s rule. The nation’s future hung in the balance; it was deeply divided. One man pursued the hearts and favor of the people, even under a threatening pandemic – and the people responded. The other hid in his basement, terrified he might become infected. He barely campaigned in person, bragging on national television that his hopes of gaining the Presidency would be obtained through “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in history.” The election would be stolen on his behalf. As, indeed, it was.

The former President sought to contest this injustice, but every avenue he sought to explore was closed to him. The Supreme Court refused to hear his case. The FBI didn’t investigate the other man’s claim of dependence on fraud, according to their duty, but looked the other way, even when evidence began piling up. “Extensive voter fraud organization,” the man said. Federal law enforcement, the Judicial system and the Legislative bodies all acted in such a way as to display bias and imply complicity. Even honest journalism was silenced as the false narrative of the vile new ruler was given credence, ramrodded into the public eye as legitimate.

When a trap was sprung in the Capitol on January 6, 2021, the division of the nation resulted in bloodshed. The former President, heartbroken, conceded the race rather than see America fall into a civil war. He cared about us! Do you see the parallel with the case brought before King Solomon? It is being repeated at a national level. One man divides the nation while it sickens and declines, while the other does what he can to ensure its survival and nourishment. That’s what a legitimate king does for the kingdom he loves!

There is a King of kings and Lord of lords in heaven that judges nations. He routinely puts down one king and exalts another. He has plainly shown thtough a series of circumstances which of these men truly loves America. All that remains is the decree to put the nation back in his hands. It is a divine judgment we can count on. Can He who gave wisdom to Solomon possibly display less Himself?