About My Books

In addition to this blog, I am publishing a book series entitled The Wise Man and The Warrior. It’s a fictional story. The first two books are available as paperbacks and downloads from Amazon. Book 3 launched in March 2023 and Book 4 in February 2024.

The tale begins in Courtship of a Session Wrestler. Allen, a 56-year-old man has been trying to survive the dissolution of his 38-year marriage. He unexpectedly meets a woman who catches his eye. He only approaches Erin after she stares a hole through him, to ask if something is wrong. She says she recognizes him, explaining she’s been dreaming of a man she has never met every night for the past 3 years, then announcing his is the face in her dreams!

They strike up an immediate friendship as they talk. Their backgrounds couldn’t be more diverse. Allen is a caregiver for the developmentally disabled, a mild-spoken gentle man matching the fellow in her dreams. Erin is an entrepreneur, a pro wrestler who owns a company comprised of tough women who grapple and overwhelm men as a matter of course! As a follower of Christ Jesus, he poses the idea that He sent her the dreams to prepare her for the day they would meet.

Not believing in Christ, yet having no other explanation for the dreams, she considers it. He postulates if the theory is correct, the nightly visions will stop, having served their purpose. The rest of the story describes the intense love growing between them and her journey to faith in the Lord who brought them together.

Book 2 is named The Battles That Matter. The couple travels to Los Angeles to retrieve her car and some other possessions. While there, Allen is introduced to her company of lady wrestlers. They receive him warmly for Erin’s sake, but his empathy and godly advice quickly win them over! One young lady, Laurie, latches onto him as a substitute for the father she never knew. The next day, a new hire unexpectedly attempts to strangle him! He would have died in her grip, had Christ not intervened to save his life. Four ladies invite Jesus into their hearts as a result of the events they witness.

War And Peace picks up on a return trip to visit Erin’s company in L.A., where even more respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. A trap is sprung by shadowy enemies to kill the new converts, but the Lord protects them all. Little by little, their numbers grow, as new believers and some established Christ-followers join their ranks. Two major events are set in motion that will play out in Book 4, The Helper of the Fatherless.

The wait is over! Book 4 launched in February 2024. It kicks off with a wedding, followed by a man’s deliverance from demons and four salvations! Erin makes it known she is considering a new living arrangement to make room for any who wish to join the family in Missouri. A gymnastics exhibition is put on by Laurie for her new family in Christ, ending in a surprising twist. And a hardcore skeptic of the faith gets supernaturally confronted by the Lord in a way he can’t deny.

If you like my ongoing fiction, please tell everyone! Word of mouth is the only advertising I can afford. Reviews posted on Amazon are greatly appreciated, a selling point for independent authors. I’d love to hear your encouragement, as well. If you send me email at thefoolishnessofgod@yahoo.com, I’ll eventually get to it. I’m just another working stiff who writes on the side, so even if a busy life prevents me from responding, I will treasure your thoughts and your interest!