Can We Enable Terrorism Without Getting Burned?

My last post trumpeted the danger of Fentanyl coming into America disguised as candy, despite my limited platform. Some would call me alarmist, pointing out illegal drugs have been passed as candy before. There’s some truth to that, but what concerns me is the possibility it could be more than a nutty scheme put together by an unhinged individual or two, this time.

A coordinated effort is underway to overthrow our freedoms in these United States. The Left champions the effort, misplacing the blame onto freedom loving Americans. I remember the words of an English teacher I had in the ninth grade. “Be careful about pointing the finger at others. When you point with one finger, you have three more pointing back at yourself indicating you are likely to be three times as guilty as the one you are pointing toward.” Who initiated the blame game? The Bible calls Satan the accuser of the brethren, who accuses them night and day. Only evil people want to emulate him.

Remember 9/11. There are people out there that hate us and have dedicated their lives to our destruction. Any blow they can strike at us is justified in their eyes. Their culture is willing to sacrifice some of their own to strike that blow, as suicide bombers have proven repeatedly. They will not hesitate to go after our posterity, and there is NO OTHER REASON to make deadly Fentanyl look like candy. And some of our highest placed leaders are holding open the floodgates of our borders so this poison can be strategically situated for distribution at the time and places they choose!

Prophecy is not my intention. May I be wrong about all this! I just understand what is possible, the vulnerability to a fiendish attack that has been opened by those sworn to protect us when they abandoned their duty. This isn’t just a human threat, either. The annual child sacrifice made in this nation by abortion took a hit this year when Roe Vs. Wade was overturned. The demonic coalition so in favor of abortion proudly upholds the rainbow as the banner under which they march. I believe it is no accident that which threatens our children has been dubbed “rainbow Fentanyl.”

Please show kids the picture in my last post. Educate them about the deceiving nature of this “candy” and the importance of discerning what they eat. If you let them ‘trick or treat’, GO WITH THEM and examine everything before you let them eat it! It’s better to be uncool in their eyes than to mourn losing them. Don’t think just because they’re older that you can leave it to them, either. Too many teens have died taking risks, because they think they are invincible! I lost a twenty-something nephew earlier this year over that kind of foolishness. Trust me, you don’t want that kind of pain! God bless.