The Goliath Spirit’s War on Truth

Hopefully this will shed some light on the current state of affairs. Those who think the conflict of our time is a matter of conservative vs. liberal points of view have overlooked a pivotal fact: what takes place in the physical realm is always a manifestation (or outworking) of events originating in the spiritual realm first.

Christ Jesus died on a cross to atone for the sins of all who would trust in Him upon hearing the truth of His gospel. Satan opposes Him, so he has undertaken to obscure, bury & ridicule that truth. It’s been happening for centuries, even millenia, but technology has enabled his obfuscation to reach a level never seen before in history! News media & social media carry his lies around the globe in minutes.

It has emboldened the Devil. Truth isn’t relative, it’s absolute; but all truth is related. One leads to another, eventually providing a trail of bread crumbs leading back to the gospel and its Author. He can’t have that, therefore he has declared war on ALL truth! Any lie, no matter how unbelievable, is being propagated to steer the masses away from truth of any kind. Since lies grow, those who adhere to the truth soon find themselves facing Goliath.

As the giant brazenly challenged the armies of Israel long ago & brought them to a standstill through intimidation, it’s happening all over again. Whoever confronts the lies is swatted down forcefully. Those supporting the lies gleefully cheer the destruction of every defender of truth with a hatred they cannot explain, yet fully embrace. They cannot see how they are manipulated, nor can they resist it. The children of darkness are bound in darkness and they wouldn’t have it any other way!

If that isn’t frightening to think about, then you have left good sense behind you! A little fear is a healthy thing; it keeps us from putting a hand in the fire & getting burned. However, if we’re to avoid being paralyzed by fear, we need to look to the Lord. He abides in truth, so when we stand for it, we’re in the best of company. His word warns the world to fear Him, and Jesus said He has overcome the world!

We are the Church of the Lord Jesus who trust in Him. The gates of hell will not prevail against us, remember? Goliath is just another beast threatening the flock. The Shepherd will strike him down and gather his flock, as David did long ago when his flock was threatened. The lion, the bear and the beastly man (now a demon) will fare no better against us, for the battle is the Lord’s to this day!

Therefore, STAND in & for the truth. Refuse to be cowed, no matter how official the lies appear to be, because we know they will not stand in the presence of a holy God! Darkness will always flee from light. It’s the way of things! We abide in the light of truth who have been set free from darkness, so let your light shine. How else will we be the light of the world? That is our mandate, remember?