Who do you trust?

The early Church described in Acts had many apostles and one doctor we’re told about, Luke. Church leaders now are entitled Doctor, while few agree on the identity of any apostles! Has anyone else noticed how things have turned around? One gives his life for the gospel of Jesus Christ, while the other earns a livelihood seeking constantly to increase the size of his platform. When the Lord anoints someone not affiliated with the current church systems, they are attacked, de-platformed or just plain ignored by those same systems. Cancel culture learned how to suppress truth by watching religious leaders tamp down the servants of the Lord, folks.

Keith Green came out with a song in his short ministry, “Living in Laodicea.” It’s where we are now. Many, MANY of the “saved” are trusting in their own knowledge without ever presenting themselves to Christ in repentance, so they don’t know Him. What will He say to those He turns away? “I never knew you.” The same churches that preach the rapture is imminent will still be here afterwards, for the most part. If they’re right with Him, they should be out of here the moment He calls! He said, “My sheep know my voice,” remember?

The world tells us knowledge is power, but it pulls no weight with God. No one dazzles Him! The truth is, knowledge provides power to deceive one’s self and others. Trusting and acting on God’s Word is still the only way to be justified in His sight. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.” The war on truth in general is a war on the gospel of Christ specifically.

The only way His Bride, the Church He built, can sit that out is if we are removed from the Earth! We who owe Him our lives MUST stand for truth, just like we must breathe. Anything less betrays Him, and love is incapable of betrayal. Make sure your trust is in God’s Word, not in men and women who count on you giving to their ministries. Those with divided interests will not heed Christ’s call upward. “Where a man’s treasure is, there will his heart be also.”