Can We Let This Go?

Does this look tasty? Note the label on the bag: Dept. of Homeland Security. The “candy” pictured was seized as it was being smuggled illegally into our United States. It’s actually Fentanyl! Dressed up to appeal to our kids, two or three would most likely be fatal, as strong as the drug has been presented. This is nothing short of an attempt to destroy the American people, break our hearts and remove our heirs. If we don’t stop it NOW, we have no future!

Last week, Texas National Guard locked a gate on private property preventing illegal aliens from entering the U.S. A few hours later, Border Patrol appeared to open the gate. Federal agents are letting them in, knowing they often bring stuff like that pictured above with them. Both agencies were armed & doubtless following orders, but definitely not on the same page. The Guard stepped aside, this time. Did they have any other option besides drawing down on the Feds? Yet, Border Patrol is putting our children in harm’s way!

IF we let this continue, some of this ‘candy’ is bound to get through. Some of our kids WILL die. It’s like cockroaches; for every one you stop, ten more go undetected. Mid-terms are coming, but how will that really change things? The President is enabling the drug crisis. Even if he could be recalled, the VP has shown she is completely in agreement with his policy, as his ‘border czar.’ Our kids are too high a price to pay. How many will die before we say “ENOUGH!”

We are named the “United States.” As it stands, we are united in bringing about our own destruction. I, as one citizen, never agreed to that! As much as I am loathe to suggest it, maybe it’s time to unite in secession from this mad federal regime. They need us more than we need them. Secession in the past happened when possessions were valued more than people; therefore, the secessionists were wrong. God could not stand with or uphold such a stance, but we’re not the same.

He does not expect us to sacrifice our children! Better to take a stand and push out every federal agent and agency insisting on putting our kids in harm’s way. If the federal government is derelict in its duty to protect us, we are not absolved of responsibility before God for the children He entrusted us with. No matter the color of our skin, we face the same imminent threat to our young, so let us put aside racial differences and stand together for their sake! EVERY STATE should value its populace enough to take a stand for their existence and their future. If one doesn’t, it is already dead at its heart.

If better minds than mine conceive of a less drastic effective way of ending this crisis, I would gladly bow to their wisdom. Make no mistake, though, time is limited to avert tragedy such as America has never faced! Herod’s slaughter of the innocents at Bethlehem will seem tame by comparison, if we don’t pray for divine intervention and take our stand VERY QUICKLY!