Why Are We Here?

Time to drop another tidbit of wisdom in the cyber desert. Maybe God will have a raven pick it up and carry it where it’s needed, as He fed Elijah for a year during the famine in Israel. That’s up to him. I’m dropping it as I believe He wants me to do. I learned a long time ago that His purposes are intricately interwoven in ways our human minds can’t follow; there are at least half a dozen reasons for everything He does and His choices for the way He does it. His ways are perfect, as scripture says “beyond knowing,” but trying to our patience. I mean, INCREDIBLY trying for mortal beings, so trying we’re tempted to throw up our hands in frustration and give up on Him.

Jesus once asked the disciples, “Will you leave, too?” He had just told multitudes that “unless you drink my blood and eat my flesh, you have no part in Me.” Cannibalism was an abomination, according to the Law of Moses. The crowd left on hearing what sounded like heresy. The disciples didn’t deliver a resounding vote of confidence, either. Their reply was miserable, effectively, ‘We have nowhere else to go.” It implies they wished they did. “Lord, You have the words of life,” Peter responded. He was tactful enough not to add, “but then you have zingers like this that sure make it hard to follow You.” Peter wasn’t all thumbs.

I have 3 reasons the Lord doesn’t take us immediately at salvation. There are more, but He can point them out at His leisure. I’m not Him, just a worn-out servant who has learned a few things over my my lifetime. The first is quickly dispensed over every pulpit, the great commission. We are to bear witness to the gospel of salvation wherever we go. That’s legit. Some emphasize verbal witnessing, others living out their faith before others as an example of God’s grace. Both have value. Neglecting one or the other diminishes the effectiveness of our witness. Corporate witness is okay, but since responses will be individual, individual authenticity is vital to inspire individual long-term commitments. More disciples come out of personal relationships than will ever come from broadcasts by people, no matter how persuasive, the hearer is never likely to meet. People usually don’t follow a stranger very far.

The 2nd reason is anything but appealing. Matthew 25:31-46 describes how Jesus will judge the nations, separating them as sheep from goats for deeds done in the flesh. The sheep are His brethren. The goats are those who abused them; they end up in the lake of fire! EVERYONE is surprised that the Lord took notice of their deeds, whether kindnesses or abuses, but He will be exhaustively thorough. “When you did it unto the least of these my brethren, you did it unto Me.” It’s another way of saying His judgment will be rendered for every last one of us; no one is so minor as to be overlooked. If the world believed Him, they’d be shaking in their boots! When this day comes, they will be.

One question is prominently absent among those judged, particularly the condemned – “Lord, when did we do this to Your brethren?” About to be cast out, surely they’d wonder… unless they don’t have to ask. Jesus will be specific. He won’t leave it at “the least of these my brethren,” HE WILL NAME NAMES. There’ll be no question what He’s talking about when the conversation’s over. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, remember?

This means we are here, to some extent, to be victimized. Police can’t charge those who haven’t committed a crime. Likewise, Jesus puts His beloved in harm’s way. See what I mean about this purpose not holding any appeal? Like His suffering leading up to the cross, we’re likewise not to retaliate. Hardest thing in the world to swallow when He said, “Turn the other cheek.” It does serve His purpose, though. He’s gathering evidence for the upcoming judgment. We’re not wimps, we’re serving our Master. Our faithfulness proves we truly are His brethren! He makes all things manifest, including the compassion or wickedness in the hearts of those around us. We are the agents He uses to bring it all into the open.

The 3rd reason we’re still here is connected to the 2nd. If He allows us to be hurt in preparing His judgment, then He will lavish His love and blessing on us as recompense. Were you robbed? Then He’ll provide at least as much some other way. Were you wounded? He’ll bless you in equal or greater measure. Were you betrayed? Jesus knows that feeling all too well. He’ll draw near to comfort you personally. He already has a heart for the suffering. Those who suffer to serve His purposes will come to understand how determined He is to comfort them. You can’t outgive God, even in service! He does it because He loves us and takes responsibility for His own, giving us a testimony to His kindness. Rejoice and try not to take the wounds of the day to heart. Our Lord will have the last word in the matter!

A Dream of Tribulation Times

Awhile back, I had a dream. It stuck with me; I’ve pondered over it, but only recently felt like I should share it. Perhaps the time of such happenings is at hand. Now it is only a curiosity, but in difficult times we KNOW are coming, it might provide inspiration.

In the dream, I was part of a group of resistance fighters. We were under attack from a force of well-armed soldiers wearing uniforms I’ve never seen in real life. Our group had no guns. We fought with what we had: tools, swords, slings & bows. The soldiers outgunned & outnumbered us badly. Some of the soldiers seemed beastlike. They were trying to flank us. If they succeeded, we were finished.

Hunkered down behind some rocks, watching and praying as they came, I became aware of a massive hand behind them, supporting them. It seemed to be directing their assault. I held a bow. Aiming carefully between the soldiers, I put an arrow directly into the palm of that hand. There was a roar of pain and outrage. The hand instantly withdrew. The soldiers seemed confused momentarily, then they withdrew as well.

Our little group was saved! We split up into villages nearby until we had reason to gather for some new mission. We thought the soldiers would come back looking for our group, so splitting up was our best chance for survival.

Giants ruled the land. The beasts & people comprising the military served them. No soldiers came looking for us, but a few days later three giants came to town. 10 to 12 feet tall, they were typically reserved and dispassionate. Their manner was all business. If people went about daily life without drawing attention, the giants would leave them alone. They seemed to understand terrifying humans they ruled would disrupt the order they established, so they kept a calm demeanor at all times. Even executions were held publicly, calmly, made quick and painless!

Myself and two others of the resistance were hiding in that village. I thought if I kept a low profile & stayed out of sight, the giants wouldn’t find me. They were too big to enter small rooms, so I might be okay. To my dismay, the townspeople lead them right to us! They held no allegiance to us. Handing us over was the quickest way to get the giants to leave, so that’s what they did.

An impromptu execution was organized in the village square, We three stood unbound, a giant behind each of us, held by one hand around our necks. Thumb on one side, palm and fingers draped around the opposite shoulder, there was no way to escape. A flick of the hand would snap a neck instantly over the thumb. I remembered seeing it before. It was painless, the body dropping like a sack of potatoes afterward.

I began to panic, then the words of the Apostle Paul came to mind. To be absent from the body was to be present with the Lord. The thought that I was only a moment away from seeing Jesus excited me! I took heart, waiting to die — and woke up.

None of us really know how the days ahead will play out. According to scripture, Antichrist will be called the Beast by the world around him, so he may not be completely human. They will say, “Who is like the Beast? And who can make war with him?” We’re told he will make war with the saints & will prevail. Many of the saints who perish will be beheaded, leading some to conclude guillotines will be implemented. The manner of execution I saw was effectively the same as beheading, just less messy. The sight of blood is enough to create panic in many looking on, disruptive when those in charge want to set an example concerning what happens to the non-compliant.

Whatever the case, by telling my dream, I did what I thought the Lord was leading me to do. Scripture indicates even among the saints being slaughtered, some will do exploits. This fits. Our challenge now is to live for Christ Jesus; in the Tribulation, theirs will be to die for Him. That’s not easy. My heart goes out to them. Antichrist thinks he’ll wipe them out, but as more turn to Christ, he’ll find the task seems endless. The Lord will return before he can complete it!

The Eclipse Today 4/8/2024

If you’ve been hearing the same things I have, then you know 7 cities named Nineveh in the USA witnessed the eclipse we experienced today. Apparently, a total solar eclipse accompanied the prophet Jonah’s message to ancient Nineveh, which was short & to the point: in 40 days, Nineveh will be destroyed!

It didn’t happen, because Nineveh repented & God spared them. Their king declared a fast, repenting in sackcloth & ashes. I don’t see evidence that our leadership has a reverent fear of God like that! Do you? Our President (or at least the fellow masquerading as such, who resides in the White House) just tried to change Easter, which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, into a celebration of sin! If that’s not a slap to His face, I don’t know what is.

The Francis Scott Key Bridge was rammed & collapsed mere days before Easter & Biden’s brazen proclamation. His “Star-spangled Banner,” our national anthem, declares proof in the night that our flag still flew – it had not been removed. America needs God, but unrepentant fools like Biden are burning bridges behind them so there’s no turning back. I believe that’s why the FSK Bridge collapsed, as a sign & a warning that THERE IS NO TURNING BACK when people commit to a path of ungodliness!

Seven Ninevehs in the U.S. (& one in Canada} were touched by the eclipse today. If that wasn’t a warning for this nation to repent now, it’s an incredible coincidence. I don’t believe in coincidence, but let me bring out another facet to this event that I’ve yet to hear anyone mention.

In His parable of the wheat and tares (ref. Matthew 13:24-30), the servants are instructed to let the two grow together until the time of harvest. At that time, the tares will be gathered first into bundles to be burned, then the wheat will be gathered into the Sower’s barn & saved. Hmm, where would both wheat & tares be willingly gathered? In churches! If Christ then collects His own to be caught up to meet Him in the air, that will leave the tares gathered together in the church buildings. Ready to be burned. Left behind, in spite of their professed faith, because they never really knew Jesus, nor He them.

The last town the eclipse touched is in Newfoundland, Canada. I kid you not, it’s name is Burnt Church! “Judgment begins in the house of God,” remember? Two phrases are used to describe the final disposition of those who call on the name of the Lord. The faithful will be “caught up” to be with Him forever, but the “falling away” takes place before the man of sin will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume. Jesus separates these two factions when some go to meet Him, but the rest retreat from His presence. The rapture & the apostasy will take place simultaneously!

Why was this eclipse for America? Because no other nation ever took up the motto “In God We Trust.” Paul told Timothy “the Lord knows those who are His.” It’s still true. He’ll prove it when He calls His bride away! Don’t think for one minute He can’t do it, either. That’s a lie from the Devil. We are His reward for His faithfulness and He can make us perfect in a moment. Our being spared from Tribulation has nothing to do with what we deserve. JESUS deserves His bride & companion, only waiting for His Father to say, “GO GET HER!”

Just a hiccup…

I had hoped this might be the first year I’d succeed in publishing 2 books; Book 3 came out in March, and I was aiming to start the process for Book 4 in September. It didn’t pan out. The house we’ve rented since 2013 is being put up for sale. The landlord wants to renovate it first, so we’ve been directed to leave. The occupants are myself, my brother and our widowed 81-year-old mother; yeah, a bunch of old folks, lol. We’re looking for the Lord to bless us, but also dreading the move.

Anyway, the book is on hold. Not sure how much money the move will take until it’s done. Self-publishing is costly. I don’t feel comfortable making the expenditure before making sure practical needs are met. Besides, my energy will be required for the move. I don’t want to try to split my attentions. If the work is the Lord’s, He’ll enable me to do my part; if not, my efforts apart from Him won’t benefit anyone.

I’ve flown under the radar all my life, so I don’t know if I ever have or ever will be useful to Christ or a blessing to anyone. Only He knows. Perhaps all my writing only serves my need to be doing something. I hope there’s more to it than that. Time will tell if someone stands to declare how it blessed him or her! The religious establishment will oppose me, if they ever take notice of me at all, because I’m not one of them. The Church in the book of Acts had many ministers and a doctor, Luke. Today’s churches have a multitude of Doctors claiming to be ministers, but “the Lord knoweth them that are His.”(II Timothy 2:19)

Not sure if anyone follows what I say here or in print, but if you do, please keep us in your prayers. This move will pass and the book will be published in His time, because my Lord will see to it! My confidence is in Him, and He is with me. Lord Jesus, please bless whoever is listening!

A Disaster Is Coming

This isn’t a prophecy, just recognition of the condition of people’s hearts. Scripture says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A people who neglect to revere Him will not cling to Him for salvation, yet it cannot be obtained in anyone other than Jesus Christ. A people who do not reverence Him must repent to walk in His salvation, and none will repent if His protection makes them comfortable where they are. Therefore, in His mercy He removes His protection.

It doesn’t take long for Satan to foment trouble. It is permitted by a sovereign loving God who knows how we need Him. It takes trouble sometimes to remind us how true that is! When we suffer loss, the point is driven home. The Lord doesn’t enjoy seeing us troubled, but He does what He must to get us to return to Him. Our eternal destination hangs in the balance!

God demanded one thing from ancient Egypt: let His people go. When the nation refused that one command, they disrespected Him. He plagued them with disaster upon disaster until their hearts were broken by the loss of their children. Pharaoh finally complied, but reneged on his decision. The result? His power was broken in the midst of the Red Sea while trying to thwart God’s will. Egypt survived, but they never recovered their former might.

No nation that opposes the God of Heaven will fare any better than Egypt did. He is not diminished in His power, nor has time affected His vision. It is dangerous to mistake His patience for indifference. Biden’s hardened heart is VERY reminiscent of Pharaoh’s at this time, but unlike Pharaoh, his claim to power is illegitimate. His rule will be toppled as a consequence of the disaster to come, because he challenged righteousness and called it evil. God takes such actions personally!

Judgment begins in the household of God. Don’t assume you are exempt! Smugness opens us up to calamity. Present your heart to the Lord without reservation, so no part of your life is out from under the covering of His blood. He will preserve and even bless whoever trusts in Him in the midst of disaster, if we abide under Christ’s covering. Psalms 91:7 says, A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. The Lord still knows how to preserve those who belong to Him!


Zechariah’s Vision of the Age of Grace

1 And I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains were mountains of brass.

2 In the first chariot were red horses; and in the second chariot black horses;

3 And in the third chariot white horses; and in the fourth chariot grisled and bay horses.

4 Then I answered and said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these, my lord?

5 And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.

6 The black horses which are therein go forth into the north country; and the white go forth after them; and the grisled go forth toward the south country.

7 And the bay went forth, and sought to go that they might walk to and fro through the earth: and he said, Get you hence, walk to and fro through the earth. So they walked to and fro through the earth.

8 Then cried he upon me, and spake unto me, saying, Behold, these that go toward the north country have quieted my spirit in the north country.

In the previous post, I committed to explain the meaning of “they that wait upon the Lord,” those who are promised to have their strength renewed until they “mount up on wings as eagles.” This text contains the answer given to me.

The angel equates the 4 chariots as 4 spirits of the heavens that stand before the Lord of all the Earth. In that place, every knee shall bow, but there is no indication these 4 do. In Revelation 1:4, John the apostle states there are 7 spirits before God’s throne. Three times in Revelation (3:1, 4:5, and 5:6), they are called the 7 Spirits of God. If they are aspects of the Holy Spirit, there is no need for them to bow. Why would God bow to Himself? John saw 7 spirits representing 7 missions of the Holy Spirit being undertaken on this Earth, for 5:6 says they are sent forth into all the Earth.

Zechariah’s vision accounts for 4 of them. They appear making their way between two mountains of brass, where there would seem to be no way. Not only are they mountains impossible to move, they are solid metal! Strong’s Concordance points out the metal described was used in ancient times to make fetters for slaves. These mountains symbolized our sins that separated us from God! The 4 spirits have been dispatched from Heaven to bear witness that a way to reach Him has at last been opened, for whoever heeds His call!

Horses serve the charioteer, so these signify people serving the Lord’s purposes. The colors indicate the nature of their service. Red is the color of blood, so the first witness to come forth is of the atoning blood of Jesus shed on the cross. The gospel message is released to the whole world. It is the only one of the 4 without a more specific destination, because the gospel is for the inhabitants of the Earth. They will heed it, or disregard it, as they will. It will not return to the Lord, except in those who take it to heart.

To understand the rest, a key is needed. Scripture provides it in John chapter 16.

7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;

10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;

11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

Note that Jesus says He is the One sending the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to us. He promised that “He will bear witness of Me.” That’s the gospel message symbolized by Zechariah’s first chariot, remember? The rest of the vision becomes clear with these words from our Lord.

Black horses serve to convict the world of sin. We are all guilty! There can be no absolution until we admit it’s true. With every soul that confesses and repents, the world is convicted anew of its guilt and the need for a Savior. “Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God.” Whoever does not bow to the Savior now WILL BOW to the Judge later.

Have you ever wondered why we’re not whisked away to be with Jesus the moment we’re saved? The white horses provide a clue. Living for Him is not easy. Sure, Satan targets us as Christ’s Beloved, but it’s not easy because the Lord doesn’t make it easy! He never promised us that, just that He would never leave us nor forsake us. Most everyone knows someone who lives righteously, despite pain and suffering. They are a challenge to the rest of us, aren’t they? Jesus has gone to His Father. We don’t see Him anymore, but we see His righteousness lived out in our brethren and are convicted when we don’t offer Him our very best.

I realize this exposition of scripture is running long, but I promised in the last post to expound on who Isaiah meant when he said, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength…” Zechariah’s final chariot holds the answer. TWO kinds of horses are revealed, grisled and bay. The New King James Version differentiates them as spotted horses and strong steeds. “Judgment begins in the house of God,” we are warned in I Peter 4:17.

This is also a function of the Holy Spirit, to divide the faithful from the unfaithful. “Pure religion is… to keep one’s self unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27) We are plainly told that Jesus is coming for a Bride without spot or blemish. Those spotted by affection for this world’s ways must be carried away by its attractions. Apostasy must come, by means of a welcome deception. Perhaps it will be simple reasoning that if there are certain compromises with sin, God won’t mind. Whatever it is, it sends them south. Funny that in our modern speech, we describe things gone wrong as having “gone south.” This nearly 3,000 year old vision depicts exactly that!

All that remain are big bay horses, “strong steeds.” They are eager to go walk to and fro throughout the Earth, but they wait for the word to be given. They are work horses desiring to earn their keep, too disciplined to throw off restraint. These are they who wait upon the Lord, as described in Isaiah 40:31. These have waited a LIFETIME for the commandment to go. Waiting is exhausting after awhile, folks! Eager hearts will receive a renewal of the strength needed when the commandment comes, in order to be obedient.

When the disobedient turn away from the Word of God, He will empower faithful servants to come forth and bear witness to the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ. They’ll likely be people no one has heard of before, but their witness will be IRREFUTABLE! Look for the Lord to endorse them with signs, wonders and miracles like He did in His earthly ministry. This is no simple revival. At the height of it, Jesus will call His Bride home! There can be no falling away (apostasy) without there also being the miracle of His Church being caught up to Him (rapture or harpazo)!


Isaiah 40:31 — A New Take on an Old Favorite

Having become a worship chorus, this scripture is familiar to many. “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up on wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.” It’s a comforting promise, but there’s more to it than that. As it came to mind recently, a thought abruptly stopped my mental recitation partway through it.

How will renewed strength enable you to mount up on wings as eagles do? Have you ever been able to do that before?

The obvious answer is no. No second wind, however invigorating, will be enough to make that happen. These are separate promises stated together to make a point — a point that, until now, we’ve commonly overlooked.

This is a PROPHECY, not just a promise. The “they” referred to is automatically converted in our minds to mean ‘all those’, but that’s not what it says. That expansion of its meaning may be harmless, but what if “they” refers to a specific group, not just everyone waiting on the Lord? In that case, scripture is obligated to expound on that group… and it does. I’ll go into it in the next post.

Let’s finish examining this passage. Running and walking without becoming worn out is supernatural, no question about it. The thing to note is it can’t be endless if we’re not! If God’s word has a specific group in mind, then it must be for a specific time. Now we’re getting to the exciting part!

Isaiah was given grace to describe the coming Messiah in more detail than any other Old Testament prophet. Things pertaining to Jesus were spotlighted in his writings. This passage is to be fulfilled in the final days of the Church Age. As He prepared witnesses at its beginning, He has also readied witnesses to herald its end. I believe I am one of them!

In my case, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. I’m not a young man anymore. It doesn’t matter! He will empower folks like me to run with the gospel message and report that HE IS COMING! How will His messengers not exhaust themselves in such a monumental, unprecedented effort? That’s easy: we will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air before that happens! When He says go, we will run until we have to walk, but before we would faint, we will mount up on wings as eagles into His presence. That’s how our race comes to an end!

“Go Preach Next to that Cactus”

I can’t say whether God instructed John the Baptist to begin his ministry with these words, but it had to be something like that. There is no wisdom indicating preaching in the desert is a good way to reach people for Christ, or even to announce His coming. Starting off next to the Jordan River seems sensible, since travelers would need water, but dressing in camel hair & eating bugs couldn’t inspire confidence in the messenger!

Yet God brought people out of their comfort zone to hear him. LOTS of people, who were open to this new message and glad to hear it! Repenting of their sins, they submitted to baptism at the hands of this unkempt individual, placing their hope in the Messiah he proclaimed before they met Him; even John had not met Him at that time. They heard what he had to say, and many believed his words came from God. Enough believed so it shook the nation.

It was foolishness that confounded the wise, but when Jesus was revealed as the coming Messiah, it proved to have come from God. The foolishness of God is greater than the wisdom of men, according to 1 Corinthians 1:25. It’s no accident the platform you are currently visiting is called thefoolishnessofgod.com.

This blog is located in the vast wilderness of the worldwide web. The Judean wilderness is tiny by comparison. No river brings sojourners to hear my message, so it’s crazy to assume it will reach much anyone; but I’ve been instructed to write, so here goes nothing! My message resembles John’s. Royalty is announced with fanfare — it always has been. I serve Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, so with everything in me I intend to make known He is coming to retrieve His Bride!

Who do you trust?

The early Church described in Acts had many apostles and one doctor we’re told about, Luke. Church leaders now are entitled Doctor, while few agree on the identity of any apostles! Has anyone else noticed how things have turned around? One gives his life for the gospel of Jesus Christ, while the other earns a livelihood seeking constantly to increase the size of his platform. When the Lord anoints someone not affiliated with the current church systems, they are attacked, de-platformed or just plain ignored by those same systems. Cancel culture learned how to suppress truth by watching religious leaders tamp down the servants of the Lord, folks.

Keith Green came out with a song in his short ministry, “Living in Laodicea.” It’s where we are now. Many, MANY of the “saved” are trusting in their own knowledge without ever presenting themselves to Christ in repentance, so they don’t know Him. What will He say to those He turns away? “I never knew you.” The same churches that preach the rapture is imminent will still be here afterwards, for the most part. If they’re right with Him, they should be out of here the moment He calls! He said, “My sheep know my voice,” remember?

The world tells us knowledge is power, but it pulls no weight with God. No one dazzles Him! The truth is, knowledge provides power to deceive one’s self and others. Trusting and acting on God’s Word is still the only way to be justified in His sight. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.” The war on truth in general is a war on the gospel of Christ specifically.

The only way His Bride, the Church He built, can sit that out is if we are removed from the Earth! We who owe Him our lives MUST stand for truth, just like we must breathe. Anything less betrays Him, and love is incapable of betrayal. Make sure your trust is in God’s Word, not in men and women who count on you giving to their ministries. Those with divided interests will not heed Christ’s call upward. “Where a man’s treasure is, there will his heart be also.”

Jesus’ return; no date, but a window

Matthew 24 records a statement the Lord made that gave those listening all the information He was privy to; “THIS generation will not pass away until all these things are fulfilled.”(Matthew 24:34)  What things did He speak of that would be fulfilled in a single generation?  The time frame is set 2 verses earlier with the parable of the fig tree.

     “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender & putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:”(Matthew 24:32)

Israel is symbolized in scripture by a vine, an olive tree & a fig tree.  It is sometimes mentioned as him (as above), hearkening back to Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel.  When the fig tree is used, it refers to Israel as a national entity.  We are all aware that the nation was only a memory until being re-established in 1948.

As any deciduous tree that sheds its leaves for the winter, the fig tree shows no sign of life until it begins to bud & put forth leaves.  It looks like it is dead until that time.  Israel as a nation showed signs of life immediately after the U.N. resolution was passed that reconstituted it.  Life grows, multiplies & fights for survival in particular.  Israel came under attack less than 24 hours after the resolution creating it was passed.

The generation that will not pass away until all these things are fulfilled turned 70 this year.  It has become elderly!  If you believe God’s word, we are near the end of the window of time Jesus described to His disciples.  “All these things” includes a visitation “like lightning” in which “one is taken & the other left” (commonly called the rapture) & the sign of the Son of man returning in the clouds with power & great glory.  This generation must see all of it, or Jesus of Nazareth was a liar!  Since nothing else He said was a lie — He even rose from the dead as He promised — we had better prepare to meet Him!