Yesterday I posted the page ‘More Foolishness, explained’. It exposed me even more than my story already does, which is not smart in a world where people amuse themselves by tearing down peers who display vulnerability. Ah well, my blog is aptly named & I am a fool, but at least I recover some value by being a fool for Christ! He said we should not cast our pearls before the swine, yet He is the pearl of great price that costs everything. The gospel by which He comes to us is the greatest treasure we have on this Earth, yet we are instructed to cast it out like a fisherman’s net again & again. Our most prized valuable is constantly cast before swine at His command!
Why does He put us in such a predicament? One, to prove us faithful. We overcome the world by the blood of the Lamb AND the word of our testimony. It completes the victory we obtain in Christ our Lord. Two, to reap a harvest. Salvation is propagated via the gospel; there is no other way for people to obtain it. The saved vindicate Jesus’ work on the cross, else it would have been pointless! Three, the swine must be judged. What people do with THIS pearl is the basis on which they will be judged!
The desire of my heart, which is to have unreserved companionship (like Allen is blessed with in my story; Erin is so amazing!) & to bear fruit in Christ (I don’t want to be ashamed in His presence, folks) seems very unrealistic. I am without reputation & beneath the notice of most everyone. When I speak, my voice is lost among millions of others who have better platforms than I do. What are the chances that anything will come of my feeble efforts? Astronomical is a good term to describe it. The thing is, I don’t rely on my chances. I am relying on Jehovah Jireh, my Provider. He loves me & sees the motivation of my heart. I am convinced that what He sees in me moves Him, so He will grant my request!